July 25 - July 31, 2025

Learn with Lisa Petersen in the Burren Yoga Retreat on the magical west coast of Ireland.
Come be inspired, grow and thrive as a teacher and practitioner. This time is a gift to you.

This 6-day retreat is different: daily outings are shorter (but just as stunning) and we devote more time (25 hours) to the practice and teaching of yoga and meditation in the intimacy of a small group setting (up to 18 students)

For the yogis,
you get three sessions a day with me - a 2 hour morning  session, a 2 hour afternoon  session and a 1 hour evening session. We offer you guided walks (and swims) in the exquisite Burren landscape every day, followed by lunch in a local eatery. Groups are small and class is personalised so I really get to know you and your practice. 

For the nature lovers, mornings after yoga and breakfast are spent exploring the beaches, cliffs, forests and hill of County Clare. 

For the foodies,
County Clare seems to specialise in eclectic combinations: lobster bisque, lebanese flatbreads with lamb and mint raitas, local cheeses, honeys, and a dessert table to greet you as you come in the door. Good thing for all the hiking and Yoga!

Yoga, Somatics & meditation

All practices are individually tailored to you. That’s the beauty of a small group. They are infused with heart, presence, curiosity, joy and gratitude for the wisdom of the body and the gift of existence.

It is Lisa’s intention that your learning journey is practical and accessible so that you can immediately apply it to your practice and your teaching.

This retreat is for teachers of all levels – whether they have studied with Lisa or not – and for experienced practitioners who wish to take their practice to the next level (physically, mentally, energetically or spiritually).

We will explore the practice of asanavinyasa, somatic yoga, breathwork, meditation, restorative yoga and Yoga Nidra through the lens of the world renowned pedagogic model created by master teacher Donna Farhi.

Classes also draw on experiential or embodied anatomy, modern neuroscience, yoga therapy, developmental and functional movement. As one student said, ‘it’s all there in one package.’

Enjoy being part of a like-minded community of teachers and practitioners, ‘somanauts’, experiential learners, anatomy geeks and spiritual seekers.

Guided Outdoors in the Burren’ Outings

These outings are organised for the group as a whole, so you don’t need to do any planning or make any decisions.   Simply enjoy. 

We offer you guided walks (and swims) in the exquisite Burren landscape every day, followed by lunch in a local eatery. Breakfasts and dinners are created with love and flair by our amazing chefs at the centre using local ingredients.

All classes, walks and activities are optional: you can chill out at the centre, use the yoga room, put your feet up and read, climb the local hill or simply sit marvelling at the landscape.

Click to Experience The Burren Centre

State of the art retreat centre

The most inspiring yoga studio flooded with natural light and designed according to sacred geometry at the foot of the Burren Hills.

It can feel as if you are practicing in the clouds… with amazing views from all 3 sides. Watch the fluffy clouds lazily drift overhead through the huge roof windows. Or lie back and watch the stars at night.

Enjoy newly built en-suite bedrooms are all very spacious, very bright with a large triple glazed window, super insulated so they are warm in Winter and cool in Summer, underfloor heating, and excellent sound proofing. 

Read an Irish Times article about the Burren Centre here

About Lisa Petersen

Lisa Petersen is a somatics innovator and yoga teacher who is passionate about guiding people towards personal transformation both on and off the mat. She is internationally known for her integrity, clarity and presence. Her teaching is informed by a rich understanding of embodiment, experiential anatomy and developmental movement patterns. She is moved by finding the balance between being and doing, movement and stillness, strength and fluidity, discipline and freedom

  • 2 hour daily morning classes
  • 2 hour daily afternoon classes
  • 1 hour daily evening classes
  • Daily guided outings

Enjoy over 25 hours of formal training. Sessions include asana, vinyasa, somatic inquiry, breathwork, meditation, and yoga nidra.

Daily outings into the Burren hills and by the sea

Enjoy social interaction with like minded people

Luxurious facilities at our new ‘State of the Art’ retreat including amazing vegetarian food

Freedom and peace of mind in our digital free Environment

What others say

The retreat centre is beautiful, clean, welcoming and in a quiet place in nature. With lovely food and walks. The yoga room feels spacious and light with amazing views.

Lisa is a wonderful teacher. She meets everyone as and where they are in a way that makes you feel seen, accepted and save. She embodies the yoga and somatics practices with joy, playfulness and a world of knowledge. Being at the retreat felt like coming home to my practice as a teacher and a student. I arrived exhausted and departed refreshed, inspired and centred.

Carrie Schriemer Social Worker, Yoga Therapist

‘The magic of Lisa’s Teachers Retreat was supported by being in the ancient landscape of the Burren, swimming in the ocean and having amazing healthy food. Lisa modelled permission-based teaching so beautifully. Now I know that fluidity and flow of movement is also a possibility for me in my body. It’s a transformation. I am holding onto all the magical memories and feel so blessed, thank you.

Rachel Waldron, Yoga Teacher Trainee and Somatic Exercise Coach (in training) Ireland

A special note from Lisa

Wellness Retreats Ireland, all year round.   Guided outings in the Burren hills and by the sea, Luxury accommodation, amazing vegetarian food, and top class yoga and meditation teachers.

My experiences as both a student and a teacher have shown me that each person has an exquisite inner intelligence that unfolds through skilful education. Learning happens when the student feels safe, and blossoms through cultivating three superpowers: curiosity, exploration and self-inquiry. Teaching students to sense and feel, trust their inner sensory experience and know what to do with it is at the heart of teaching. We’ll journey together over this very special week, exploring and inquiring into the inner landscape of sensation and feeling using asana, vinyasa, restorative yoga, somatic yoga, meditation, Yoga Nidra and breathwork. I’ll offer you a road map so you can find your own way step-by-step and (if you’re teaching) group-by-group. 

The Burren Yoga Retreat is located at the foot of the Burren hills nestled amongst the hazel trees. Our practice is infinitely held and supported by the stunning nature around us. From June 2023, I am still carrying the sound of the cuckoo with me and the feeling of the ocean on my skin and in my cells. There is nothing quite like walking on an ancient seabed with 300 million year old fossils, or climbing the hill early and communing with rabbits, foxes and goats. Yoga is everywhere. 

Some people come to rest and recuperate; some to be invigorated and inspired. Whatever you come for, my experience is that the Burren staff meet you with grace and genuine care, and the practice does its own inimitable magic. 

I am here to serve you. I invite you to explore your practice - and your authentic self -  in ways you may only have dreamed of. 


Luxury - En-suite

  • Super King sized double (1 person on own) - €1980
  • Twin (1 person on own) - €1920
  • Single (1 person on own) - €1680
  • Super King sized double (2 people) - €3120
  • Twin (2 people) - €2940
  • Triple (3 people) - €4230

Budget - Shared Bathroom

  • Double (1 person on own) - €1650
  • Twin (1 person on own) - €1560
  • Single (1 person) €1500
  • Tiny Single  (1 person) - €1440
  • Double (2 people) - €2820
  • Twin (2 people) - €2700

What's included

  • All classes
  • Luxury Accommodation
  • Vegetarian meals except lunch
  • Guided Outings

Enjoy 6 Nights of

‘Luxurious Simplicity’ in the beautiful Burren