The Heart of Yoga

December 1st-2nd, 2023
10.00-13.00 & 14.30-17.00


City Yoga, Madrid, Spain

The energy field of your heart is 5,000 times stronger than your brain. This workshop explores the physical, energetic and emotional support of the heart. We will work with embodying the heart’s strength and support in the practice of asana and vinyasa and connect with its courage, tenderness, resilience and wisdom in the practice of life. 

Come and explore how your heart is exquisitely fluid, soft and flexible – and why it is not a pump. Investigate how you could not breathe without your blood and how to increase vitality and free prana throughout your body. Cultivate the organic support of your heart and lungs and discover how asana is easier, lighter and stronger. Refine your practice to suit your unique body rhythms, individual needs and stage of life. Learn how to apply this rich embodied knowledge in a practical way and breathe new life into your practice and teaching. 

This workshop includes meditations on self-compassion, gratitude and joy as well as physical practices that support stillness, flow and resilience. It is an opportunity to connect with your heart centre and experience yourself being held by the kindness of the moment.

Everyone is welcome. No previous experience is necessary.

We will use music, short lectures and visual presentations to support your learning. Uncover the layers you may have laid down over the past few years and come play, move, breathe, and rest. 

‘Love is always loving you’ 

Vyasadeva from the Srimad Bhagavatum 

Lisa Petersen

Lisa has been sharing the art of teaching yoga and somatics for over two decades. She is internationally known for her integrity, clarity, and presence. Her style is personable and enriched by a deep understanding of anatomy, alignment and movement patterns. With a wealth of knowledge, her classes are innovative and authentic as she guides her students towards personal transformation on and off the mat. She is passionate about finding the balance between being and doing, movement and stillness, strength and fluidity, discipline and freedom. She creates a safe space to meet and greet all the layers of the self using three Super Powers: curiosity, exploration and self-inquiry.